Friday, January 21, 2011

I don't remember buying a Porsche

My buddy: "Did you hear about that stupid football player and his Porsche?"
Me: "Oh shit, what did Ben Roethlisberger do now!"
My buddy: "What?"
Me: "Aww Hell! First he plays crash-dummy on a motorcycle he didn't know how to ride and now a Porsche!?! Doesn't he know how close the Steelers are to the Superbowl?"
My buddy: "What are you talking about?"

Then I buddy was born in Scotland.
His English sucks.
His "football" is the wrong kind of "football".
His "football" is what normal people call "soccer".

So check-it: Pro footballer, err - I mean, pro soccer player, Jermain Pennant, left a Porsche parked at a train station for MONTHS because he forgot he owned a Porsche.

Way to go dude.
That will surely change the perceptions that pro athletes are overpaid and jocks are dumb.

Damn Foo! At least I know where I parked my car!

BC Mafia Foo!

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