Thursday, January 20, 2011

File this under the "shut up Foo!" category

Mavericks Jason Terry made some crazy stupid comments after Wednesday night's game versus the Lakers.
For those that didn't see the post-game interview with Terry as he left the court last night, here's his BS paraphrased:

When asked about his having such a good game against the Lakers:  "I step up when my team needs me".

This is the same guy that went 1 for 18 from beyond the 3-point line during the Mavericks recent six-game losing streak.
This is also the same guy that during that losing streak went 7 of 28 shooting overall.


For those that don't follow the NBA or for those that only follow the good players you will not know Jason Terry.
But you may know Dirk Nowitzki.
Dirk was recently hurt and missed several games...hence the losing streak.

Way to step up while Dirk was out Jason Terry.
Funny how you found your shooting touch at the exact same time Dirk got back on the court and got back to his usual balling self.

Just admit it Jason -- you're only a baller in your own mind and in the mind of hardcore (ie disillusioned) Mav fans.
Without Dirk, you ain't squat.

BC Mafia Foo!

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