The King without a Kingdom, Lebron James.
The people of Ohio hate him.
The people of Florida are disappointed in him.
And everywhere else, he's despised.
Not for a moment will I pretend he doesn't deserve any of the above.
I am not a Lebron hater.
I am a realist.
The "Championship Celebration" last summer announcing that Chris Bosh and Lebron were joining Dwayne Wade had little to do with anyone but James.
Would there have been anything more than the standard press conference with the Heat logo back-drop to announce Bosh's arrival or Wade staying put if Lebron had kept his
talents in Cleveland? No.
It was all about Lebron.
It was then. It is now.
Problem is, he's yet to prove he's anything more than an athletic freak of nature.
Jordan, Kobe, Duncan...none of them ever had the supporting cast Lebron found beside him during these Finals.
Yet, right now, they each own multiple Finals rings.
When the lights shone brighter, their game shone bigger.
And I know, I know.
Some will say that Jordan, Kobe, and Duncan had their sidekicks like Robins to their Batman.
Had their Tonto's to their Lone Ranger...
Jordan had Pippen.
Kobe had Shaq or Gasol.
Duncan had Robinson and/or Manu.
I think the world of Robinson, Manu, Pippen, Gasol, and Shaq.
But, none of them are D-Wade. None of them even come close.
And when it all came down to it.
When it was Go-time.
When Lebron needed to put his balls to the wall.
When the King was supposed to put up or shut up.
When James was to belly up to the bar.
He became just another role player.
Lebron did not even play a "Robin" to Wade's "Batman"....even though the script had been written in reverse last summer.
And when some of the emotion had settled and the American Airlines Arena was silent, Lebron faced reporters and seemed content.
Content in knowing he was still a millionare.
Content in knowing most of the people in Ohio would never be as rich, famous, or gifted as he is.
When instead he should have been embarassed.
Embarrassed at scoring only 18 total points in the 6 fourth quarters of these NBA Finals.
Yes. That's an average of 3 points in the final period of each game.
You don't need your calculator to calculate that 18 points in 6 fourth quarters equals "SUCKS"...or maybe even "Sucks Squared".
Choker. Not a Gamer. Overrated.
Pick your adjective...they all apply right now.
And for those of you that defend him, what do you base your argument on?
James was supposed to be the Heat's Dirk Nowitzki.
And when Dwayne Wade realized Lebron had left his big-boy pants at some Ohio dry cleaners, Wade took over.
At that point, most of us watching thought, Lebron would then become the Heat's Jason Terry to compliment Wade.
In the end, he shrunk into hardly more than a bit player.
And what was his message after the game?
He seemed more interested in the fact that people in Ohio were going to have to face reality once the intoxication of Lebron's failure had worn out.
The problem with that is that Lebron's reality is far more heart-breaking, far more shameful, and far more unpleasant than anything Cav fans will have to face some day.
The King is not dead...he may have never lived in anything except the unrealistic expectations of overzealous fans in Cleveland and Miami.
Wade holds Lebron down while trainer checks if James truly left his cojones in Cleveland |
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